We have been made aware of several scams which are currently targeting members of the public. One is regarding a company named; Titan-wealth.co., which claims to be affiliated to the Titan Wealth Group. These entities are in no way affiliated with Titan Wealth and we advise that caution is exercised before undertaking any communication with a firm you cannot independently verify via the FCA Register.

Increase Profitability
Can your platform do this?

Does your platform deliver?
Drive Efficiency

Not all platforms are built equal
Intuitive User Interface

Technology that delivers benefits
Immersive End Client Experience
An Integrated Platform Solution
The Titan Wealth Solutions platforms provide an end-to-end solution for the full investment lifecycle for wealth managers, IFA firms, DFMs consolidators and execution only brokers.

Next Generation Platforms
- Integrated dealing, administration and custody services
- Multi-product: GIA, ISA, SIPP and offshore bonds
- Client assets held in custody at BNY Mellon
- Multi-asset class (funds and non-funds), multi-product, multi-currency
- Digital investor engagement
- API data connectivity
- Extensive white label customisation
Central Investment Proposition
- Both funds and MPS, actively and passively managed
- Includes fund of funds, fund of ETFs, ESG and direct equity investments
- Strong investment performance track record
- Third party service – provided on white-labelled basis
- Meets requirements of IFA firms, consolidators, DFMs and Execution Only brokers
Business Value Enhancement
- Highly scaleable (AUA growth, trading and settlement throughput)
- Low friction – ease of data and assets migration to Titan platform
- End to end, vertically integrated services model
- Low cost MPS – greater fee retention by IFAs